Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Rarely do I make negative comments about German beer. There are literally hundreds of brews and brands. Somewhere amongst these....are the Cola-Beers....which frankly, I can't stand.

Its a mixture of fifty percent beer and fifty percent cola. Whichever idiot came up with this idea....probably was wasted when he wrote this down. A guy could gulp down two of these in an hour, and still likely not get wasted (remember....a real beer is 5 percent).

Most Germans claim this is the way to drink beer if you have to drive. Women seem to like this taste, because its sweet beer.

I'm more of the mind....either drink a Coke or drink a beer....but don't mix the two. It spoils perfection either way.


Anonymous said...


but i have to say that i like the radler. that might be a good suggestion for a later post. "hefty german men and their girly beers."

jessica in reifenberg (living in stumbling distance from a place that serves radlers)

Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly. Why ruin cola with beer, and why ruin beer with cola? I personally find cola-bier very "un-geil" (read "The Word of the Day" post)!

RH in Landstuhl